Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Film poster proposal

Proposal for film poster

Name-Nathan Hurst 

Date-Tuesday, 30th September

Format and medium-Movie poster and DVD sleeve

Sector- The poster and trailer of this film is a crucial part in marketing it to the intended audience such as using billboards and the internet to reach audiences and promote the film.

Working title- Homicidal tendencies


Intended audience and age-The intended audience is people who enjoy horror movies and are aged 18+, as the film would contain scenes of violence and gore. The audience would enjoy it due to it being scary and something new to the horror genre. The films they would watch would be Friday the 13th, Texas chainsaw massacre and Halloween.

Summary of content-The films plot is centred around a serial killer, who carry’s out a series of brutal murders because of his bipolar disorder but tries to repent on what he has done, but it increases his murder rate due to him getting angry with him self. 

Summary of style-It will feel gritty and dirty to represent the content in which the film is showing, it will also look dark to make it seem frightening. The text on the poster will be bold and in a dark red to represent the blood used in the film, The main character will be stood central to the poster with the title above him.

Legal and ethical considerations- BBFC age restriction would be 18, I will use no offensive terms to offend people of different ethnicity etc.        

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