Thursday 23 October 2014

DVD Sleeve Analysis

This DVD sleeve is from The Last House on The Left, The dvd sleeve has a front, spine and back. On the front it has the title of the film, Age rating, Writer and director and the production company. The Front also has double disc presentation at the top to show that this dvd has special features. The spine of the dvd sleeve has the production company logo at the top, Then the title going horizontal in the middle of the spine which matches the font on the front of the dvd sleeve, Then there is a matching image below the title, Then finally an age rating. The back of the DVD sleeve has a lot more content such as the blurb and stills from the film. It also includes what is in the special features and has the age rating, Production company and the title of the film.

The DVD sleeve for Eden Lake has a front, spine, and back. The front of the DVD sleeve has the title of the film in the same font as the poster, and the same image. This is due to the image relating to the film which audiences can relate to. The front also has the main actors names above the title and has a review at the bottom to entice audiences to watch this film. The front also has Dimensions Extreme at the top due to this being the company that released this DVD. The spine of the sleeve has the title going vertically down the spine and the dimension extreme logo at the top. The back of the DVD sleeve has the blurb, Stills from the film and reviews at the top of the page. The back also contains Special feature  and credits bar.   

Friday 10 October 2014

Horror Movie poster Development

The first thing i did to make this poster was to take an image of Jamie using the SLR cameras in front of a plain, white background so that the image is easy to crop out. Once i had taken the photo i put the image into photoshop to i used the 'colour range' (Which is the second image on this post) to remove the white background and able me to move the image onto my background for the poster.

The background i chose is of a derelict mental institution as it matches the theme of what i was going for which is horror.

I then imported the image of Jamie onto the image of the derelict insane asylum placing him central to the image so that the background is still visible.

I then cropped an image of a knife that i got of Google images, using the magnetic lasso tool on photoshop.

The next stage of development was to place the knife into the hand and removed part of the knife that was covering the thumb. I then covered the hand in red using the paint brush tool and changing the transparency so that it didn't look as thick and so that you can see the hand behind it.

The next stage was to cover the jeans in blood and use the same method of appliance as i did with the knife and change the transparency so that it looked realistic.

I then created the title using the text tool and using the font Crime scene so that it correlated with the genre of film and so it looked bloody. I also added drop shadow and inner glow to give the text an outline so that it stands out of the page. Finally i added a red glow around Jamie to make him also stand out and look a lot more evil.

The next stage was to add the reviews and star ratings to the bottom of the poster. I did this by adding one individual star then duplicating them several times to form the five star rating.

I then added the star names at the top using the text tool so that the names are a prominent part of the poster and attracts the audiences eyes to see who is in it.

At the bottom of the poster i added the credits of who made the film and who acted in it. I chose to put the credits at the bottom as it is a main part of the poster.

In the bottom right hand corner i added a 18 BBFC certificate, to show audiences that this film is a horror and is not suitable for people under that age.

Finally i added the tagline above the title which says 'HELP ME' due to the story of the film  being about a serial killer who is trying to repent on his sins. The font i used for the tagline was Charlemagne Std, i used this font due to it standing out from the other fonts on the page and is a typical horror font, similar to what is used on a slasher film.

Below is my finished movie poster.

Thursday 2 October 2014

Poster analysis

The dark background behind the image makes the audience focus on the face giving the audience an uneasy, scared feeling. The dark background also gives the film a feeling of unceartancy as the audience do not know what is going on.

The fonts used in this poster are bold and in your face to correlate with the films atmosphere, the posters tag line 'fear revisited' and the short review at the top 'A terrifying Kick-Ass horror film' is in a dark bloody red so that it represents the horror and blood used in the film.

The main title of the film is in white so that it stands out off the page and attracts people to watch it. The title is also as though it is the recording symbol in a camera due to the film being shot through the point of view of a news crew. The tagline to the film is 'Fear revisited' This is due to it being the second in the series and gives the audience expectations of the film being frightening.

The face used on the film poster is looking aggressive due to it being one of the antagonist in the film, the red eye is in the corner of the title to look like it is looking at you and that it is focusing on the audience. We can also see only half of the face to make it look mysterious and scary.

The poster uses iconography of a horror film such as the film poster having flames with demons pulling her down to hell, This correlates with the title of the film which is 'Drag me to hell'. Also the background image is of a dark, creepy house surrounded by dark cloud or could possibly be smoke from the fire that is protruding form the bottom of the poster.

The title of the poster is in bold capital letters to make it visible due to it being placed at the bottom of the page as the imagery sells what the film is about which could be why the title is not that visible. Above the title there is a small paragraph that gives the audience a brief idea of what the film is about. It also makes the audience interested in what is going to happen in the film as it sounds interesting and intriguing.

Directly at the bottom of the poster is who is in the film such as the production team, writer and director etc. The colour of the text is in a darkish orange so that it matches the burning fire of hell. 

The poster i chose is of  'Eden Lake' which shows an image of a female leaning against a tree due to her being chased by the antagonists in the  background. Also the colour of the title of the film is in a dark red to represent the killing and blood in the film, The title is also in bold so that it stands out  to the audience. 

The figures in the background are silhouetted to make them look mysterious and dangerous as they are most likely the killers in the film. 

Wednesday 1 October 2014

Film poster proposal

Proposal for film poster

Name-Nathan Hurst 

Date-Tuesday, 30th September

Format and medium-Movie poster and DVD sleeve

Sector- The poster and trailer of this film is a crucial part in marketing it to the intended audience such as using billboards and the internet to reach audiences and promote the film.

Working title- Homicidal tendencies


Intended audience and age-The intended audience is people who enjoy horror movies and are aged 18+, as the film would contain scenes of violence and gore. The audience would enjoy it due to it being scary and something new to the horror genre. The films they would watch would be Friday the 13th, Texas chainsaw massacre and Halloween.

Summary of content-The films plot is centred around a serial killer, who carry’s out a series of brutal murders because of his bipolar disorder but tries to repent on what he has done, but it increases his murder rate due to him getting angry with him self. 

Summary of style-It will feel gritty and dirty to represent the content in which the film is showing, it will also look dark to make it seem frightening. The text on the poster will be bold and in a dark red to represent the blood used in the film, The main character will be stood central to the poster with the title above him.

Legal and ethical considerations- BBFC age restriction would be 18, I will use no offensive terms to offend people of different ethnicity etc.        

Sketch Designs for DVD poster.

This is the sketch design idea